For those looking to enhance their abilities to pass job interviews with high efficiency.

Have you had a string of job interview failures?
Are you worried about job interviews?
The first Arabic electronic platform that allows individuals to practise job interviews at home by conducting electronic interviews with specialised experts based on the kind of work to detect trainees weaknesses and strengths as well as to analyse their behaviour in a holistic manner To achieve the highest level possible, which reflects their abilities
Number of subscribers
2 2 1 3
Number job interviews
7 4 3
Easy Steps
Video Recording
Record the video and make sure your devices camera is working to begin answering the questions asked to you.
Answer the questions
Answer all the questions that will be put to you and make sure that the experience performs like a real job interview.
Send the video
Send the video to review all the results of the interview through the final report of the results of the interview and its analyzes that include guidance and guidance to address all weaknesses and strengthen the strengths further.
User Rating


First package
Training job interviews in professional specialties
Second package
A report that includes strengths and weaknesses, guidance and career counseling
Third package
Sending a job interview to 2000 Saudi entities and companies
Machine intelligence inspire you and reveal your skills
We enhance your confidence through automated interview using artificial intelligence techniques, through audio and video analysis, through which you will answer all interview questions directed to you, to provide you with a detailed analysis of your communication, expression, speech rate, facial expressions, emotions, confidence, interaction and expression level
We care about your personality...we value your skills
There is no doubt that personal skills are one of the indicators of acceptance on which job interviews are based, so we show your emotions and analyze your personality, discover your skills and your ability to speak with all spontaneity, your level of coherence and clarity, in addition to discovering weaknesses